HomeFeaturesMitsubishi Motors Participates in the Lyon Confluence Smart Community Demonstration Project in...

Mitsubishi Motors Participates in the Lyon Confluence Smart Community Demonstration Project in France

Tokyo, October 15, 2013 – Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) announced that operation of the 15 i-MiEV 100% electric vehicles (EV) delivered to the EV car sharing part of the “Lyon Confluence” smart community demonstration project (Lyon Confluence Project) has commenced. The Lyon Confluence Project is to be developed by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), a Japanese public agency promoting research and development as well as the dissemination of energy, environmental and industrial technologies, partnering with Toshiba Corporation and Toshiba Solutions Corporation (Toshiba consortium).

The scope of the Lyon Confluence Project is to create a model city for futuristic smart community, introduce Japanese companies’ technologies, contribute to global society, and acquire feedback on its feasibility and findings. In order to accomplish these objectives, four tasks will be carried out in the project for demonstrating various technologies and operations involved in building a “smart community:”

  • Development of a Positive Energy Building*1
  • Deployment of an electric vehicle sharing system
  • Installation of systems to help residents manage energy consumption
  • Creation of a Community Management System*2

The Toshiba Consortium, chosen as leading contractors by NEDO is carrying out the project cooperating with partner companies in France, as a coordinator for the Japanese companies.

The EV car sharing system task where MMC is participating aims to resolve issues which may arise as a result of urban redevelopment including traffic congestion, lack of parking space, and vehicle emissions. In addition the car sharing system aims to introduce and demonstrate renewable energy management systems such as photovoltaic power generation monitoring, energy generation forecasting, as well as efficient EV charging control.

15 MMC-supplied i-MiEVs were delivered to Proxiway, a local business in Lyon specializing in car sharing. These vehicles, part of a total 30-car fleet will be used among residents and businesses through the SUNMOOV’ car sharing service provided by Proxiway in the Lyon Confluence area for over two years.

MMC has been participating in various smart community projects domestically in Japan as well as overseas including the Smart Community System Demonstration Project in Malaga, Spain and the Keihanna Eco City Next-generation Energy and Social System Demonstration Project in Japan. Going forward, MMC will continue promoting the popularization of EVs through participation in “smart community” projects.

*1: A building to demonstrate in-house power generation that exceeds consumption by incorporating energy conservation technologies as well as various renewable energy sources.
*2: A system that supports sustainable city planning by means of visualization and simulation of energy utilization status within the region based on real-time energy generation/consumption data.

Original Source: Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (via noodls) / Mitsubishi Motors Participates…


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