HomeBusinessAdventure announces the publication of its first integrated report, [INTEGRATED REPORT 2023]

Adventure announces the publication of its first integrated report, [INTEGRATED REPORT 2023]

The integrated report we have produced summarizes the appeal of our company from a variety of angles, with in-depth content detailing our aims to become a global OTA and to realize our mission “Balancing Social Contribution and Business”. The report was published with the aim of providing stakeholders with a communication tool to deepen their understanding of our value creation process and the business model at the heart of it.

Our Company will continue to enhance its disclosures and further increase its corporate value.

The contents of [INTEGRATED REPORT 2023]


Messages from Top Management

Future Strategy

Value Creation Cycle

Future Strategy

Strengthening the Organization

Human Resources Initiatives

Intellectual Capital

Sources of Competitiveness

Financial strategy

M&A Strategy

Company Information

ESG Data

SDGs Initiatives

Corporate governance system

Business risks

Financial Data


Publication URL:https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS80678/a66c69c7/10ad/4c10/8287/4db6ee973855/20231027142223680s.pdf

Adventure, Inc.

Adventure, Inc., is an online travel agency (OTA), powering the website “skyticket” for the booking and distribution of airline tickets. “skyticket” is a website that allows users to compare and book travel products and Aiming to become Global OTA.


Company Name : Adventure, Inc.

Headquarters : 24F Yebisu Garden Place Tower, 4-20-3 Ebisu,

Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, Japan

CEO : Shunichi NAKAMURA (Mr)

Establishment Date     : December 21, 2006

Homepage                   : https://adventurekk.com/

skyticket URL               : https://skyticket.com/

Adventure, Inc. / Person-in-Charge: Kazuya HARUKI (Mr)
TEL:+81-3-6277-0515 | FAX:+81-3-6277-0490 | E-mail:support@adventure-inc.co.jp
Operating Hours: 10:00AM – 7:00PM (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & National/Public Holidays)


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