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[Framed Japanese Dragon Charm] Power & Fortune Dragon

[Framed Japanese Dragon Charm] Power & Fortune Dragon

Information for Potential Partner Businesses (Retailers) for Business Development Aimed at Spreading the Traditional Japanese “Power & Fortune Dragon” to the World

The “Power & Fortune Dragon” has been treasured as a lucky charm in Japan since the Edo Period (1603-1868). The charm bears the image a dragon drawn in a single brush stroke, imbued with the spirit of a god or the Buddha. Japanese people commonly keep these on their person as an omamori (i.e. a charm).

We are currently taking applications for potential partner businesses (retailers) based in the USA. For detailed discussions of terms, please contact us via the email address or Facebook page indicated below.

The [Power & Fortune Dragon] is an omamori (i.e. charm) believed by the Japanese to bring development, prosperity, wellbeing, health, and good luck in love.

The one-stroke dragons drawn by the Kyoto artist Keisuke Teshima are formally consecrated as omamori at the Nyoisan Touji-ji Temple of Koyasan Shingon Sect (located in Tennoji-ku, Osaka), which is affectionately known as “yuzu-san.”

We are currently retailing the charms via our official website and via Amazon both within Japan and to 88 countries internationally, including the USA.

Official website (by Shopify)

Amazon.com product page
★ Available via Amazon.com as of July, 2019.

[Special Framed Omamori]

[Framed Omamori]

Omamori one-stroke painting video

[Power & Fortune Dragon Three Lucky Dragons]

Development, Prosperity, Well being, Health, and Good Luck in Love

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A Present to Someone Dear, or For Personal Use

Our Lucky Dragons are perfect for use as charms (or as decorations) in the office, home, at clinics, or other facilities, as commemorations of new openings, celebrations of promotions, for marking anniversaries, other celebrations, or even as interior decorations and wall art.

● Special Framed Omamori Lucky Twin Dragon: 88,000 JPY
● Framed Omamori (Large) Lucky Twin Dragon: 38,000 JPY
Lucky Golden/White Dragon: 30,000 JPY
● Framed Omamori (Small) Lucky Twin Dragon: 26,000 JPY
Lucky Golden/White Dragon: 20,000 JPY
– Note: The above reference prices are those that apply in the case of Japanese domestic customers.
– Note: These omamori are not originals. They are reproductions made using specialized technology (high-definition printing, special processing etc.).

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Uses Japanese-made, rare, premium frames.
– All three varieties feature textures that accentuate the paintings.
– Pressed with silver seal (Gold or silver available for Special Framed Omamori).
– Specially processed to consecrate the ofuda (amulet).
– Specially processed to make the eyes of the dragon shine, giving the image greater life (rhinestone).

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We are currently taking applications for potential partner businesses (retailers) based in the USA. For detailed discussions of terms, please contact us via the email address or Facebook page indicated below.

[Kyoto One-Stroke Dragon Artist Keisuke Teshima]

FireShot Capture 441 - 一筆龍 奉納・演舞_ - https___www.onestrokedragon.com_performance
FireShot Capture 442 - 一筆龍 奉納・演舞_ - https___www.onestrokedragon.com_performance

Florida Leepa-Rattner Museum

Our work has been displayed at an art museum in Florida, which has also hosted such famous artists as van Gogh, Picasso, Chagall, and Monet.One-stroke dragon demonstration

First-ever demonstration at an art museum, with an audience of 400 in attendance.
Prolifically active in America as well

For more information about Kyoto One-Stroke Dragon Artist Keisuke Teshima, see

[Consecrating Temple Nyoisan Touji-ji Temple of Koyasan Shingon Sect]


Principal Buddha: Ratnasambhava/Yuzu-son


Grave and Monument of Toyoko Yamasaki

This temple is also famous as the final resting place of the esteemed Japanese author Toyoko Yamasaki, whose works include Shiroi Kyoto (“The White Tower”), and “Karei Naru Ichizoku (“The Grand Family”).


For more information on Touji-ji, see

[Koyasan Shingon Sect]

2015 marked the 1200th Anniversary of the time of the Opening of the Training Hall of Esoteric Buddhism by Kobo-Daishi Kukai
The Koyosan Shingon Sect has its head temple at Kongobu-ji in Wakayama. With “Koyosan Oku no In” and the mausoleum of Kobo-Daishi as the wellspring of their faith, and Danjo Garan as the training hall for their discipline, they continue pass on the mysteries and traditions of Shingon to this day.

Mt. Koyo was first opened as the main monastery of Shingon esoteric Buddhism in 816 by Kobo-Daishi, with the imperial sanction of Emperor Saga. Kongobu-ji, the head temple of the sect, was named for the characters of a scripture that read “Kongobu rokaku issai yuga yugakyo” (金剛峯楼閣一切瑜伽瑜祇経), which means “highest and most revered peak, which must be eternally protected.”

[What is an Omamori?]


Since ancient times, people have believed that they could protect themselves from dangers and tragedies by keeping on their person items that housed the power of gods. This eventually evolved into the practice of keeping omamori, all manners of which would be handed out by Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. In Japan, omamori are believed to house the spirit of gods or of the Buddha.

[Other Matters, Various Omamori]
Note: These omamori are not originals. They are reproductions made using specialized technology (high-definition printing, special processing etc.).
● Hanging Scroll Omamori (Numbers are limited on a monthly basis) Lucky Twin Dragons: 72,000 JPY Lucky Gold/White Dragons: 55,000 JPY.

Note: The above reference prices are those that apply in the case of Japanese domestic customers.

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For further information about “Hanging Scroll Omamori” see



● Portable Omamori (made with fine paper) Lucky Twin Dragons: 1200 JPY Lucky Gold/White Dragons: 900 JPY

Note: The above reference prices are those that apply in the case of Japanese domestic customers.

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For further information about “Portable Omamori (made with fine paper)” see


We are currently taking applications for potential partner businesses (retailers) based in the USA. For detailed discussions of terms, please contact us via the email address or Facebook page indicated below.

Note: Due to differences in time zones it may take some time for us to reply. Thank you for your understanding.

★Related Services★


New Omamori “yu-zu-san” Series [Photo Omamori] Official Website


◆For media or business (retail partner) inquires
Katarogu Jigyo Sogo Kenkyusho Inc. (New Omamori “yu-zu-san” Secretariat)

Email: us_info@omamori-dragon.net
Telephone Number: +81-6-6981-0331 (JST 9:00~18:00)

Facebook page: New Omamori “Yu-zu-san”


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