HomeBusinessConclusion of Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with Japan Exchange Group and...

Conclusion of Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with Japan Exchange Group and JPX Market Innovation & Research

Minsetsu, Inc (hereinafter “Minsetsu”) has concluded a capital and business alliance through a third-party allotment of new shares to Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (JPX) and JPX Research Institute, Inc (JPXI).

1.Objective of Capital and Business Alliance

Minsetsu operates an IR communication platform called “Minna no Setsumeikai” (everyone’s briefing) which provides several services including a system to provide information on earnings briefings and coordinate the scheduling of interviews between investors, securities companies, and listed companies. The interview scheduling service is used more than 20,000 times annually (FY2021 data). Minsetsu also provides IR support services to listed companies, including the provision of information on investors and support services for holding briefings.

JPX Group has been endeavoring to enhance the mid- to long-term corporate value of listed companies and promote constructive dialogue between listed companies and shareholders to contribute to this. JPX Group considers that this will become ever more important for bolstering the competitiveness of the Japanese financial and capital markets going forward.

JPX Group has entered into a capital and business alliance agreement with Minsetsu, which works to promote communication among listed companies and investors through its IR communication platform, in order to establish an environment that facilitates more effective communication between listed companies and investors inside and outside Japan, and an environment that allows investors easier access to information such as IR information from listed companies.

2. Outline of Capital and Business Alliance

(1) Details of business alliance

The business alliance aims to help develop Japan’s capital market by promoting communication between listed companies and investors through the creation and provision of IR-related content from Japanese listed companies that is beneficial to investors inside and outside Japan, and wider use of the IR communication platform provided by Minsetsu.

(2) Details of capital alliance

JPX and JPXI will receive all new shares totaling approximately JPY 500 million issued through the third-party allotment by Minsetsu.

Outline of Japan Exchange Group, Inc.

(1)Trade Name:Japan Exchange Group, Inc.

(2)Location of Head Office:2-1 Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku Tokyo

(3)Director & Representative Executive Officer, Group CEO:Kiyota Akira

(4)Business Description:Management of a stock company-type the financial instruments exchange holding company group to which the Company belongs and other business incidental to these

(5)Founding Date:Jan 2013


Outline of JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.

(1)Trade Name:JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.

(2)Location of Head Office:2-1 Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku Tokyo

(3)President & CEO:Miyahara Koichiro

(4)Business Description

  1. Business incidental to the operation of financial instruments exchange markets including provision of data and index services and system-related services related to financial instruments markets
  2. Business related to the operation of financial instruments exchange markets
  3. Business incidental to that described in 2

(5)Founding Date:Dec 2021

Outline of Minsetsu, Inc.

(1)Name:Minsetsu, Inc.

(2)Location:1-8-1, Nihonbashi Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Kayabacho 1-chome

(3)Representative Director and CEO:Nakayasu Yuki

(4)Overview of Business:Planning, development and operation of “Minna no Setsumeikai”

(5)Establishment Date:June 2015




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