HomeBusinessPhoto electron Soul raises $7M (¥740M) -Making a Revolution in e-Beam Inspection

Photo electron Soul raises $7M (¥740M) -Making a Revolution in e-Beam Inspection

Nagoya, Japan (August 2020) — Photo electron Soul Inc. announced that it has closed a financing round of $7M (¥740M), achieved through the combination of the sale of stock to investors, a bank loan, and financing from a national funding agency.

Photo electron Soul is the first and only company providing photocathode e-beam systems to the industry. “We have proven that our technology resolves our customer’s biggest problem.” said Takayuki Suzuki, CEO of Photo electron Soul, “Which will also fix their customer’s headaches” he continued.

Photo electron Soul’s first product, the PES-2020 e-Beam System, was sold to a semiconductor inspection tool manufacturer earlier this year.

In the most advanced semiconductor inspection processes, chip manufacturers have been facing huge challenges as to how quickly they can ramp up the yield either in the early stage of chip development or when moving into mass production. Because of the slow e-beam inspection process using current e-beam technology, manufacturers have to settle for a long yield-improvement cycle time. Photo electron Soul solves this issue with its photocathode e-beam technology.

“Our technology makes the inspection process more than 10 times faster than anyone else could achieve with today’s e-beam technology, and we have more great features with this technology. Our technology is based upon 30 years of R&D activities at Nagoya University, so the superior performance is well supported by tons of data” Suzuki explained. “We’ll soon start an evaluation program together with a chip maker and an inspection tool maker in order to find out the most effective inspection process application by implementing our photocathode e-beam technology. And we are confident our technology will be valued by both of them.” he concluded.

Photo electron Soul plans to initiate this type of program with other players as well, and it plans to use the funding to continue business development and product manufacturing.

Media Contact:
Itsuro Tamura
CFO,Photo electron Soul Inc.


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