HomeTechnologyInternetNetSpring Announces Amazon Web Services Version of AXIOLE All-In-One Authentication Appliances:Multi-Platform Deployable...

NetSpring Announces Amazon Web Services Version of AXIOLE All-In-One Authentication Appliances:Multi-Platform Deployable / Amazon EC2-Compliant Version

Netspring, Inc. (HQ: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Susumu Nishitake), a provider of network related products, today introduces new additions to its fleet of “AXIOLE” LDAP-based authentication servers, “AXIOLE for AWS”.  The new family of products are based on Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), and will commence shipping on April 25.

NetSpring’s AXIOLE series are dedicated authentication appliance servers supporting the LDAP and RADIUS authentication protocols.

The ability to collaborate with Active Directory (AD) and other LDAP servers is implemented as standard, allowing you to optionally select and add external collaboration features with Shibboleth and G Suite (formerly Google Apps).

In addition to the original AXIOLE hardware appliance version, there is now a virtual appliance version (VMware vSphere) and a cloud version (Microsoft Azure version) included in the product lineup.

Since beginning shipments in late 2006, AXIOLE has been deployed in a number of higher education and research institutes such as universities and colleges of technology, thanks to design concepts that deliver a compact integrated authentication engine and ease of implementation.

In recent years, it has been increasingly deployed in enterprise and mid-sized companies.

AXIOLE for AWS is a new AXIOLE series product that along with the Microsoft Azure version as a cloud version has been developed in response to requests from enterprise and educational institutions planning to use AWS.

In the cloud version of this product, the redundant hardware configuration can be replaced by the HA-equivalent function on Amazon EC2, eliminating the costs of redundant equipment in the AXIOLE hardware appliance version (including the base price, license fee, on-site maintenance fee, etc.).

■AXIOLE for AWS: general
●Amazon EC2 compliant

○ AXIOLE entry package(3,000 users less)
m5.large recommended instance (2 core 8GB  SSD 80GB or more)
○ AXIOLE standard package(4,000~30,000 users)
m5.xlarge recommended instance(4 core 16GB  SSD 80GB or more)
(over 31,000 users, contact us please.)
●Core function are same as virtual appliance model (AXIOLE-i)

        ○ AXIOLE v1.17 level version will be shipped
○ AXIOLE upgrade policy are same as other AXIOLE series

●AXIOLE IdP specific model for AWS will be shipped same date(m5.xlarge recommended)

(Note)AXIOLE for AWS will be provided with BYOL(Bring Your Own License)only.
○ AXIOLE for AWS are not services models.
○ AWS Marketplace N/A.
○ AXIOLE for AWS Line up are as same as other AXIOLE cloud series.


AXIOLE for AWS configuration image for academic users

■AXIOLE for AWS: open price & order information
●AXIOLE entry package:AXScA1-nnnn-Ex
●AXIOLE standard package:AXScA1-nnnnn-Sx
(nnnnn indicate number of user accounts)
●Above packages has several sets
○Starter sets(AXIOLE core & LDAP-schema option only)
○Full sets options(AXIOLE core & LDAP-schema/IdP/G Suite option bundle)
○Optional function can be ordered respectively but full sets option has discounting.

AXIOLE products web site:http://www.axiole.jp/


【About AXIOLE】 Hardware version’s spec and optional functions
・1U size server appliance: LDAP based all-in-one server appliance
・Built-in DB w/o schemer design
・WebUI based management and end-users WebUI provided with Japanese Language
・Compliant with RADIUS/eduroam protocol also
・Provisioning with Microsoft Active Directory(AD)
・Redundancy configurable with 2 AXIOLEs, i.e. standby mode(Hardware version)
”LDAP schemer optional function” (optional tariff)
‐    Provide general LDAP schemer access function
” G Suite (i.e. Google Apps) collaboration optional function” (optional tariff)
–    Provisioning AXIOLE IDs with Google Apps
”Shibboleth IdP optional function” (optional tariff)
–    Shibboleth’s IdP federation function (IdP V3 compliant)
–    Built-in multi factor authentication(MFA)like OTP etc.



AXIOLE general image

【About NetSpring products】 NetSpring’s other products
・eFEREC-1 / eFEREC-2(End Point access control device)Brand New!
eFEREC product site:http://www.eferec.jp/
・SmartSignOn for eFEREC (Mobile Applications) Android version provided & iOS under developing
SSO4eF product site:http://www.smartsignon.jp/
・SSOcube (Universal Single Sign On appliance server)
SSOcube product site:http://www.SSOcube.jp/

About NetSpring,Inc.
・Headquaters:3-12-16 Mita, Minato-ku TOKYO, Japan
・President   :Susumu Nishitake (CEO)
・Founded    :March 2000
・Capital      : 20,000,000 JPY
・Business    :Network & security related appliance products developing vendor
・URL  :http://www.netspring.co.jp/

※AXIOLE is trademarks of NetSpring, Inc.
※Amazon Web Services、AWS、Amazon EC2 and Amazon Web Services logos are respectively Amazon.com, Inc. and/or related company’s trademarks.
※Other company names and/or products names are respectively those holder’s trademarks.

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Marketing Div. NetSpring,Inc.


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