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Leading Professionals in the Blockchain industry will come together at the JAPAN BLOCKCHAIN CONFERENCE 2018. Rodger Ver, the “Bitcoin Jesus”, is confirmed!

Galaxy Digital Partners, Head Investment & Partner, David J. Namdar and ConsenSys CSO Sam Cassatt will be attending and speaking.


The “JAPAN BLOCKCHAIN CONFERENCE 2018” will be held on 26 and 27 June at the Tokyo International Forum. It is organized by the General Incorporated Association Global Blockchain Council (Representative: Mr.Toshiyuki Hanada, Shibuya K.I Bldg. 4 floor, 1-16-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) and is one of the largest Blockchain Conferences in Japan. It has been announced by the conference that Roger Ver, the founder of, David J. Namdar, the partner of Galaxy Digital Partners, as well as Sam Cassatt from ConsenSys will be the guest speakers.


The JAPAN BLOCKCHAIN CONFERENCE aims to expand blockchain awareness by accommodating blockchain business corporations and organizations. The conference will create engagements between local Japanese and international companies and blockchain enthusiasts to facilitate knowledge transfer and cooperation.

Roger Ver
Bitcoin .com / Founder

After founding several successful companies in Silicon Valley, Roger began his Bitcoin journey in February 2011. Years before traditional venture capital firms became involved, he became the first person in the world to start investing in Bitcoin related-startups, nearly singlehandedly funded the entire first generation of Bitcoin businesses. His current investments include,,,, and many others.

David J. Namdar
Galaxy Digital Partners / Head Investment & Partner

David is a founding partner and Head of Digital Assets for Galaxy Digital. He has over a decade of international business and financial market experience and has been involved with a wide range of businesses from startup to large corporations. He has investment expertise in private and public equities, derivatives and foreign currencies and in using fundamental and quantitative analysis to invest on a global basis. In addition, he has significant expertise in digital currency investments, blockchain technology, and the emerging decentralized economy. David is a founder of SolidX Partners, a startup aimed at institutionalizing digital assets as an alternative asset class. He previously was with Millennium Management and served as the head trader and technology analyst for an equity relative value portfolio team. David has a bachelor’s degree in finance and international business from the USC Marshall School of Business and also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

Sam Cassatt
ConsenSys / Chief Strategy Officer

Sam Cassatt is CSO at ConsenSys, the blockchain venture production studio and custom software consultancy that is leading the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. With expertise in venture capital, software development methodology, enterprise architecture, and growth strategy, Sam defines company-wide strategy regarding business models in the rapidly expanding blockchain economy. Prior to his work at ConsenSys, Sam served as CTO of mobile identity company Atmospheir and volunteered with Engineers Without Borders in South Africa. He currently lives in Brooklyn and is an advisor to a number of companies in the technology space as well as a member of the investment committee at Venture One.



General Incorporated Association Global Blockchain Council

Dates and Times
9:00-18:00, June 26 (Tue.) – 27 (Wed.), 2018

Hall E (1) + (2) of Tokyo International Forum
5-1, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005

On site booking and purchasing tickets in advance and/or purchasing day-of-performance tickets
Advance tickets are sold here:


Guest Speakers

Yoshitaka Kitao (SBI Holdings) “Special Keynote Speech”

Roger Ver ( / Founder) LIVE appearance

David J. Namdar (Galaxy Digital Partners / Head Investment & Partner)

Sam Cassatt (ConsenSys / Chief Strategy Officer)

Travis Kling (Ikigai Asset Management / Founder and Chief Investment Officer)

Vitaly Dubnin (BankEx Lab / CEO)

Josh Constine (TechCrunch / Lead Editor)

Yagub Rahimov (7MARKETZ., inc.Group / Co-Founder)

Charles Hoskinson (Former CEO of Ethereum/Input Output Hong Kong Ltd CEO)


Teodora Atanasova (UBER / Business Development, Nexo Former /Business Development)

Erick Miller (COINCIRCLE / CEO)

Yoon Hiwon (bit Arg EXCHANGE CEO)

Keith Teare (TechCrunch Founding Shareholder)

Yuri G. Rabinovich (Synergy Chain Founder)

Jean-Marie Mognetti(Coinshares CEO)

Sam Lee (Ethereum South China Co-Founder)

David A Cohen (IOTA Foundation / Founding member’s central figure)

Tony Lane Cassely (CoinTelegraph Co-Founder)

Prof. Sally Eaves (Blockchain expert)

Dorian Johannink (The Sylo Protocol)

Ben Jordan (The Sylo Protocol)

Aaron McDonald (Centrality CEO)

J.D. Salbego (Legion Ventures / Founder, CEO Startup Grind (Hollywood) / Co-Director)

Stephen Chase (CoinTelegraph/Board Member)

Rizmy Shariff (Former NASDAQ Dubai JHR Investments / CEO)

Jared Polites (Former TIME Journalist / PATRON Advisor)

General Incorporated Association Global Blockchain Council


-Board members

Executive Director: Toshiyuki Hanada

Director: Hiroshi Yasuda (President, Tokyo Denki: Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo) Registration in preparation

Director: Kazuhiro Nakatsuka (Former member of House of Representatives, Former Minister of State for financial Services, Director & Managing Executive Officer, SBI Holdings Inc.) Registration in preparation

Director: Yorihisa Matsuno (Former Member of the house of Representatives, Former Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary)

Director: Toshikazu Masuyama (Visiting Professor, University of Asahikawa: Former Director, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Director: Go Natsuno (Guest Professor, Policy and Media Research, School of Graduate, Keio University)

Director: Yoshinari Yajima (President & CEO, Taiju Group Inc)

Advisor: Yoshitaka Kitao (Representative Director, President & CEO, SBI Holdings Inc.)

Auditor Secretary: Yoshitaka Tanaka


Address: Shibuya K.I Bldg. 4 floor, 1-16-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Executive Director: Toshiyuki Hanada
Establishment: May 2018


Business: The association aims to make contributions to facilitate and develop the sound business environment as well as to protect users appropriately, under the organic relations, through promoting the international cooperation among involved players in relation to the development and application of Blockchain technology and related business, as the rapid growth of such Blockchain technology (also related and affiliated technologies) and business in this field has been prominent in recent years.


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