HomeFeaturesTosoh Joins Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics

Tosoh Joins Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics

Tokyo, Japan, October 1st, 2013  – Tosoh Corporation has recently joined Japan’s Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics. That association was established and is licensed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to promote individualized medicine through the development of fundamental technologies for biotechnology medicines. This includes, for example, technologies for antibody medicines that adhere to international standards.

Tosoh expects as a member of the association to play a crucial role in developing antibody medicine manufacturing technologies, such as high-level downstream technologies and advanced assessment technologies. As such, the company will contribute to making Japan’s biotechnology-based medical technologies competitive globally.

Contributing to Japan’s Medical Technologies

High-Level Downstream Technologies

Separation is an integral part of every biopharmaceutical manufacturing process because biotherapeutic production is often based on cell cultures. So-called recombinant peptides or proteins need to be purified of residual impurities to provide safe medicines.

Tosoh provides separation technologies essential to purification, including for antibody purification. The company is, in fact, the largest manufacturer of antibody separation technologies in Japan. Tosoh combines years of experience and technology in the range of products that it sells: affinity chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography separation materials. The company looks ahead to using its traditional product lineup as a springboard for developing new separation materials that will revolutionize antibody purification.

Advanced Assessment Technologies

The development of sophisticated new separation materials for antibody purification calls for advanced assessment technologies. And Tosoh plans to make good use of its many years of experience in immunoassay and liquid chromatography systems to provide the level of analysis necessary especially for the production of antibody medicines.

Tosoh Corporation is a Japanese chemical company established in 1935 and listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It is the parent of the Tosoh Group, which comprises 140 companies worldwide and a multiethnic workforce of over 11,000 people and generated net sales of ¥668.5 billion (US$7.1 billion at the year-end rate of ¥94.05 to the US dollar) in fiscal 2013, ended March 31, 2013.
Tosoh is one of the largest chlor-alkali manufacturers in Asia. The Company supplies the plastic resins and an array of the basic chemicals that support modern life. Tosoh’s petrochemical operations supply ethylene, polymers, and polyethylene, while its advanced materials business serves the global semiconductor, display, and solar industries. Tosoh has also pioneered sophisticated bioscience systems that are used for the monitoring of life-threatening diseases, such as diabetes and certain cancers, and to prevent epidemics by identifying pathogenic microbes. In addition, Tosoh develops products and provides services to purify water and to monitor the environment as part of a commitment to a sustainable future.
Stock Exchange Ticker Symbol: 4042
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– See more at: http://www.noodls.com/view/085D6593CED36494469F8D714B826FC5E52E48E5#sthash.5TqLRNhL.dpuf

Original Source:: Tosoh Corporation (via noodls) / Tosoh Joins Manufacturing Technology Association…


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