HomeEvents and ExhibitionsFuji Xerox's Audio Guide Service Receives Good Design Award 2013

Fuji Xerox’s Audio Guide Service Receives Good Design Award 2013

TOKYO, October 1, 2013 — Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. has received the Good Design Award 2013, organized by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion, for its Audio Guide Service—a service provided to local governments and tourist agencies (in Japan)—which they rent out to tourists. Offering a new style in tourism, the Audio Guide Service was highly evaluated as it contributes to creation of a sustainable society by bringing communication between the local people and tourists.

Utilizing global positioning system (GPS) and smartphones, the Audio Guide Service not only provides general tourist information often found on guidebooks, but also introduces local-recommended seasonal view spots as well as hidden beauty spots. Tourists who use this service can explore around the area as if a local tour guide was accompanying them. By accessing the lively information that does not appear on guidebooks, tourists can have an in-depth understanding of the area and experience a trip full of discoveries.

The Audio Guide Service can be used outdoors as it utilizes GPS, and the contents can be easily created using the editing tool. Thus, updating the contents and making corrections can be performed easily and in a timely way, regardless of the content creator’s level of technical expertise.

With the editing tool, local governments can register the contents of the audio guide in text form as well as the location of where they want to guide to play, into the cloud server. Tourists can then rent the dedicated smartphone that has the app installed, and freely walk around the area they are visiting. When the visitor approaches the registered location, information specific to the site is automatically played to them. With its built-in GPS functionality, the audio guide presents information in a timely manner, enabling tourists to enjoy their sightseeing at their own pace and in a relaxed manner.

This service can also be a useful tool for local governments to reinvigorate local economies, as it can not only provide information about tourist attractions, but also cover recommended shops and restaurants, along with route guides and safety matters.

For many years, Fuji Xerox has engaged in developing technologies that enhance the expressiveness of documents. The Company will further advance its research and development to realize valuable communications.

About the Good Design Award

Organized by Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP), Good Design Award is a comprehensive program for the evaluation and encouragement of design. This award system was originally founded in 1957, out of the belief that design was essential in breaking out of the cycle of poverty in Japan. Since then, the Good Design Award has been given to outstanding designs for more than 50 years in the pursuit of prosperous lives and industrial development. Approximately 38,000 Good Design Awards have been given in continuing these efforts.

The Award consists of the Good Design Award and several Good Design Special Awards. Designs that have been awarded are allowed to place the G Mark. A recent survey revealed that this G Mark has 88 percent recognition. The G Mark has been holding its role as a symbol of good design for more than half a century since its establishment.

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Original Source: Fuji Xerox’s Audio Guide Service Receives Good Design Award 2013


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