HomeEvents and Exhibitions29th Eisaku Sato Essay Contest Winners Announced

29th Eisaku Sato Essay Contest Winners Announced

TOKYO, AUGUST 12, 2013 –

The Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation for Cooperation with the United Nations University has announced the results of the 29th Eisaku Sato Essay Contest.

The contest, an international competition established in memory of the late Eisaku Sato, former Prime Minister of Japan, with the monetary award that he received with his 1974 Nobel Peace Prize, was inaugurated in 1980 and has been held annually since 1990.

Eighty-five essays were submitted by the 31 March 2013 deadline: 24 in Japanese and 61 in English.

Winners of the 2013 contest’s ¥200,000 Award of Brilliance are:

  • Hajime Akiyama, a student at the College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University;
  • Naosuke Mukoyama, a student at the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo; and
  • Nagafumi Nakamura, a postgraduate student at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo.

The winner of the ¥50,000 Award of Effort is Eszter Czeh, a student at the School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University.

No winner was selected this year for the ¥500,000 Award of Excellence.

The theme of the 2013 essay contest was: “Many people expect the United Nations to play a major role in world peace and in protecting the safety and welfare of the people worldwide. Express your views on whether the United Nations is sufficiently responding to the expectations.”

The winners will receive their awards at a 30 September 2013 public Award Ceremony that will be held at UN University Headquarters in Tokyo.

Original Source: 29th Eisaku Sato Essay Contest Winners Announced


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